Thank you Chris Kehl and Bethke Heating and Air!

A huge thank you to my husband Chris and choosing Bethke Heating and Air for installing a new central air system (Armstrong Air) in our home. Finally, 16-18 years waiting, we decided it was time. Chris agreed with Jason that Armstrong Air has never presented a problem in all the years he has installed them. Also, if there ever was an issue they resolved it immediately. With that being said, Chris said, “You got it Jason.” One and a half days and we were up and running. Professionalism is short of a “miracle in the making” by Bethke Heating and Air’s crew.

We decided to turn it on during this untimely blast of winter cold. I find myself checking to see if it is actually on throughout the house because it is so quiet and efficient! I am so glad my long underwear is “retired for outside work only”!

Feeling very grateful and anxious to see the many colors of fall yet. Please winter wait your turn in line and let fall blast us with all the beautiful colors and changing life patterns!

Marita Kehl