Everything Has to Eat, but Why My Outside Lettuce and Kale?

I thought this year would be different. It is…but whatever little creature or large creature is picking out my lettuce and kale, I am mystified. I just was admiring my sweet dinosaur kale and red scarlet kale leaves as well as what was left of my other section of the baby oak leaf lettuce and weeding around both items. I picture this creature in my mind spying on me after I discovered that they had another on farm dinner while Chris and I went to pick up another hay wagon and bring it back last night from Johnson Creek. After much screaming I thought, does this creature have binoculars and watch what I weed and admire? Sweet thoughts about putting in the next share or a few extra to the Stoughton Farmers Market? They know exactly what I am thinking!!

Well, chicken wire is up inside the other fencing, but I bought 20 gauge wire thinking this will do it, only to find out from Chris that the higher the wire number, the lighter the wire is!! He told me that after I was putting it up with him last night in mosquito time frame, as I said, “this is the worst looking chicken wire I have ever seen. This is not the chicken wire I grew up with as a child.”

I am so tired, but I will forge on. No more free farm dinners. 150 + lettuce and a side dish of kale is enough. No More!

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